What We Do
The Wellington-Waterloo Community Futures (WWCF) is a not-for-profit organization supported by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).
Our Services Include:
Business Consultation & Advisory Services
If you have a business idea you are working to set in motion, you can meet with our knowledgeable staff about the local market place and the possible challenges involved. We can assist you in planning, direct you to available federal, provincial and local expertise, and help translate your research into reality. Whether or not you are seeking to access financing, we can help with the development and execution of your business plan.
Community Economic Development
The Wellington-Waterloo Community Futures is actively involved with the local interest groups that are responsible for making decisions for economic growth in their communities. We strive to support them with communication between business and government, as well as access to training and development opportunities that will assist in growing healthy and vibrant communities.