Student Start Up Program

Start | Scale | Unleash | Potential

“The Youth of Today are the Leaders of Tomorrow!”

About SSUP

Become a young entrepreneur during your summer holidays, and beyond. 

The program will provide real business experiences and expose youth the ability to offset part-time work in the Wellington-Waterloo communities!

From learning how to write a simple business plan to promoting your businesses, this is an educational opportunity for the youth of the future!

How it Works

Students apply to the program by June 12th.
Once accepted into the program, they will receive $150 start-up money for their business idea.
Throughout July and August, there will be 5 weeks of workshops for students to attend. If they attend all 5 workshops and hand in the workshop deliverables, they receive a bonus of up to $150. At the end of the program, students submit their final report by August 30th, 2025, and they can earn another $150.

In total, students have the opportunity to earn up to $450 by completing the program.

For More Information, Contact:

Jane Shaw

WWCF Account Manager & Program Coordinator

519-846-9839 ext. 227